How to Book Revolt rv400 online|Step to Book Revolt rv400

Revolt rv400 is an electric bike and the booking of Revolt rv400 is open now, If you want to buy Revolt electric bike then please follow the step by step to book Revolt rv400. It’s a very simple and easy process to book Revolt rv400 online.

Step by Step Process to Book Revolt rv400 Electric Bike

If you want to book revolt rv400 electric bike then visit revoltmotors official website and follow the steps:-

  • Visit the official website of revolt at,
  • Click on the BOOK NOW button,
  • fulfill the basic details about you like, Name, phone number, E-mail address, State, etc.
  • Click on the Next button.
  • Select the color choice, Rebel Red, Cosmic Black, and mist grey.
  • Here you can check your booking amount Rs.19,999 and click on select.
  • Click on the Next button.
  • Here you can select the mode of payment and proceed to pay the booking amount.

You Can Check Out the Below Video to Understand Better but this video is made in the Hindi Language.

The booking amount of Revolt rv400 is Rs.19,999 and this amount will be adjusted with an on-road price.

Modes on Revolt rv400 Electric Bike

There are three modes on Revolt rv400 electric bike:-

You can drive 150km on the first mode if your revolt is in full charge.

In the second mode, you can drive 120km, If your revolt bike is fully charged, And

The third mode is the last mode in the bike, In the third mode, you can drive at top speed and the top speed I had checked is 80-90km/h.

Does Revolt rv400 need a license?

If any electric vehicles have a top speed of less than 25km/h then you do not need a license to drive an electric bike but Revolt rv400 has a top speed of 65km/h-90km/h, So yes you need a license to drive revolt rv400.

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Why is Revolt rv400 not available?

As we all know that every motors company needs prior booking for manufacture their product, the company receive their booking amount then they prepare their product. Some of the companies have enough production speed and resources, So they make their product faster but some of the company not.

The Revolt motors also trying to fulfill customers’ needs as fast as they can but there are lots of new updates and improvements they do in their products this is the reason they took quite enough time to fulfill customers’ needs.

Q. What is CC in Bike?

Ans. The “CC” Stands for Cubic Centimeters.

Q. What is the top speed of Revolt rv400?

Ans. The Revolt rv400 electric bike has 80-90km/h top speed If you drive your revolt in the third mode. But in the third mode, you can drive your revolt up to 80km if the battery is in full charge.

Q. Does Revolt rv400 have gears?

Ans. No, Revolt rv400 has no Gears, Revolt rv400 is a Gearless bike.

Q. Image of Revolt Bike

Ans. Revolt is available in three different Color and the Image is below.Revolt bike color option

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