Center government of India strictly denis to allow any foreign cruise ship in India because of coronavirus.

The European company MSC cruise ship wanted to dock their ship(MSC Lirica) in India at Mangalore port but port authority is refused their request to dock on port even they said there is no suspected case of coronavirus.

MSC Lirica was turned away from Mangalore on Saturday which was carrying more then 2000 passengers and plus 700 crew onboard, This European company have over 35000 staff globally including India too and they are selling holiday’s approx 70 contries every year.

The Coronavirus👁 is highly spread able around the world which is started from China and now Italy and USA have more suspect after China, so far over 105 contries are effected with coronavirus.

In Italy total 366 death cases confirmed and 133 case found in a day which is reached 7375 case in 24 hours, The Italian Cruise Line Costa Crociere said there are no suspected coronavirus case onboard among its guest as well Crew.

Just because of coronavirus more then 3500 people are died world 🌏wide and over 110092 people are infected with this most dangerous virus, In New York city have 105 confirmed suspects of covid 19 including Uber driver, In India over 42 case are confirmed with coronavirus including New Delhi, UP, J&K but good thing is so far India there is not even single death, suspected are on very high isolated.

ABC News said more then 3% of COVID 19 patients die vs less then 1% for flu as of early march.


It’s very important for everyone to take all the precautions till the time we don’t have any vaccine or medicines like:

1.Wash your hand offen for atleast 20 to 30 seconds with soap and warm water.

2. Dry their hands with fresh tissue paper and dispose it to dust bin.

3. Don’t touch your face or nose with bare hand.

4. Stay atleast 6 feet ways from any sick people like cought, cold, nose running, fever, throat pain, bodydache etc.

5. Report your doctor straight way if you feel any symptoms of these.

6. Use hand sanitizer for keep clean your hand from bacteria.

7. Don’t touch anything with bare hand around you.

8. Stay away from crowds.

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