Why Do You Want to Work on Cruise Ships Interview Question And Answer

Why do you want to work on a cruise ship is a very important question, If you are looking for a job on a cruise ship then you must need to prepare a good answer to this. This question (why do you want to work on a cruise ship) can ask you twice during your cruise ship job.

They can ask you at the time of your Cruise ship job interview and second, they can ask you about Immigration as well. If you failed during Immigration in this question then they may send you back home. So here I will let you know the best answer.

Why Do You Want to Work on a Cruise Ships Best Answer

There are many answers to this question and you can give your best answer but If you really want to work on a cruise ship then you must need a correct answer.

I recently did a community post about this question and you will not believe only 26% of people guess the correct answer and all the rest choose the wrong answer. Here I gave four options to choose the best answer.


  • To earn Money, So that you can support your family.
  • To improve your skills and Knowledge.
  • To Earn money and At the same time, you can roam/travel around the world.
  • I have my own reason.

The Question is very easy and the answer is also very easy but you need to choose the best answer for this. So that you can get your dream job and you can fulfill your’s all dream.

Why do you want to work on Cruise Ships and the best and correct answer is “TO EARN MONEY, SO THAT YOU CAN SUPPORT YOUR FAMILY”.

See, If you answer like this then the interviewer or immigration officer will think yes he/she thinking about family and for sure he/she will come back to home country for their family and will not cheat with the company.

Because some of the people join cruise ship to jump over the company which is really very bad for the whole nation. Because of few narrow-minded people, whole country people get to suffer. If someone does like this then the hiring company does blacklist him/her and they do not take any more new crew from that country.

So whenever you join cruise ship jobs please be loyal to that company and make your country proud of you.

In 2016-17, Many Indian crew members jump ROYAL CARIBBEAN CRUISE LINE which was very shameful for all Indian seafarers. During that time all the cruise companies stop hiring any fresh crew from India because of this.

Many of the fresh crew members did not get the next assignment because of that, So guys please do not do anything like that which makes us suffer for all Indian seafarers.

Related: Cruise ship Job Interview Questions and Answers

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