Do you know, If you are a crew member and want to earn some extra money on Cruise ships then what else you can do apart from your job? If you have any idea about how you can earn extra money on board then its good. If you do not know how to can make up to $1000 dollar by doing side work on cruise ships then no need to worry today I will let you know that how you can earn up to $1000 by doing side work on cruise ships.
Onboard there are many ways to make extra money to work for 1 to 2 hours daily and make very nice money but today I will let you know four best ways to earn up to $1000 by doing side work on Cruise Ships.
Four Best Way to Make Extra Money Onboard
Here you will see four best ways to make extra money on board by doing 1 to 2 hours work daily. From all this extra money you can do lots of things like you can pay internet expenses, Bar expenses, monthly amenities, shopping and many more. Here you have two best ways to make up to $1000 dollar by doing 1-hour extra work onboard.
1. Extra Talent ( Entertainment, Art, Musician, Magician, etc.)
If you are a crew members then you have an opportunity to earn extra money by doing some activity onboard. If you have any talent to engage the guest or entertain the guest then you can get money to do this.
Most of the company will offer Crew Entertainment Program onboard, In this program crew members will have to entertain the guest doing, Singing, Dancing, Showing Magic, etc.
If you are able to do this apart from your regular job than company will ask to entertain the guest and they will pay some money to you. Most of the company pay $20-$30 per performance, it’s depend on company to company.
2. Pamphlet Distribution
Pamphlet distribution is also a good idea to earn extra money on board, If you are crew members and you don’t know how you can earn extra money by doing pamphlet distribution then I will let you know all this.
Most of the brand like a Swiss watch, Armani, Invicta, diamond, etc. want to do marketing for their brand nearby port. So the sponsored company contact ship admin to distribute their pamphlet to the guest while the guest move for shore on port.
To do this the sponsored company pays a good amount to the ships admin, and you will get paid by ship admin if you do a pamphlet distribution.
What you need to do for earn extra money by doing this. You will have to contact ship admin and need to ask about pamphlet distribution. If they will allow then you will have to collect the pamphlet from admin office and need to distribute to the guest when the ship will dock on port. When guest go out side of the ship at the same point you need to distribute it to the guest.
To work hours twice a day you can earn good money, the company can pay between $50-$100 for every distribution.
3. Earn Money to do Laundry
Yes friends if you are working on cruise ships and your salary is not much then you can earn extra money by doing laundry for those crew who do not want to do their laundry.
Most of the crew members/ staff have a good salary and they do not want to do laundry after working 10 hours a day.
So in this case you can approach 10-20 people to do their laundry and you can charge them $50-$100 per month each or more it depends on you.
Related: Requirement to Work on a Cruise Ship
Related: Employment Agency for Cruise Ship Job
4. Earn Extra Money on board by doing Hair Cut
On board more then 1000 crew members work or more and they all need hair cut every month, so my idea is you can earn a good amount of money by doing hair cut only.
All the crew members who are onboard need their hair cut every month and they do not have enough time to go out side of the ship to do just hair cut. so if you know how to cut the hair and you have equipment then why not.
You can earn more then $1000 by Doing Side Work on Cruise Ships, See if you do hair cut every day 2 to 3 people and you charge $10-$20 per personal then you can make easily $40-$60 daily. and if you earn minimum $40 daily then you can make $1200 very easily.